
Project – action plan

Project – action plan

Every time we start a new project we go through roughly the same methodology. In fact, project management methodologies are an important part of our way of working.

Our simplified action plan to get our teeth into any new project typically looks as follows;

Stakeholder map

We first map out the total list of internal and external stakeholders and start booking interviews with them. This is a vital part of understanding the current state. For each stakeholder we map out what their role is in the project. Are they decision makers, advisors, influencers? We cannot move forward before we understand who is who, and how everyone is impacted by the project and the change.

Lay of the land – gap analysis

During the interviews we ask everyone what currently works, what doesn’t and what could be better. What would they prioritise?

We extract facts and trends of all these insights and set the tone for what we’ll focus on during execution.

Project Action plan

It’s time to decide what action we will take, and in what order of priority. We use a system called the “4 disciplines of execution”. We define the exact improvement and assign clear tasks to move the needle.

About Jen

Jen has created 11 entries.